Making your own bookmarks are a great way to use up leftover beads and they are a great gift for any age!
7” of beading wire
Two crimp beads
A charm
6-10 beads depending on size
1-jump ring
Flatnose pliers or a crimp tool
To begin, thread the beading wire through the crimp bead and the charm
To begin, thread the beading wire through the crimp bead and the charm
Bring the beading wire back through the crimp bead and crimp with crimping tool, or flatten with pliers.
Add your beads in whatever order you like.
Add another crimp bead.
Thread wire over jump ring then thread the tail of your wire thr
ough your crimp bead and a couple of beads.
Open your jump ring and add the bookmark
Most bookmarks have a hole through which you can thread something.
I find it easiest to attach everything to a jump ring, its easier to turn around if you happen to have your charm backwards!
And volia! You now have your own bookmark to enjoy or give as a gift!