Hi all! When Jenai asked me to write a few guest posts for her blog about photography I was honored. Then, I had to sit back for a second and think about what you would find most interesting to read, and what would be most helpful. It struck me that not too long ago I was reading similar informative articles, and how liberating it was for me to learn these tidbits. Just a few simple tricks can greatly improve the images you get out of your camera, no matter what kind of camera you have.
So here you go!
Tip #1: Move closer. By moving closer to your subject you can eliminate many distractions from the background of your photo. This keeps the focus on your subject as well as provides a clearer view of what you're trying to capture. You can also change your perspective. Try getting low for pets, at eye level of your subject is a general rule of thumb. But don't be afraid to try other levels, experiment! Have fun!.jpg)
Tip #2: Turn off your flash
If you're using a point-and-shoot camera, it will often automatically turn the flash on whenever you're indoors. While it is sometimes necessary to use your on-camera flash, you can often take pictures just fine without it. When you turn off the flash, your point-and-shoot will compensate by using a longer shutter speed. This means that you will have to hold the camera still (often propping it up on a table works just fine), but you will let more ambient light into the camera giving the photo a more natural result (closer to what your eye sees). It can also highlight other areas of the frame. In the photo below, if I had used the flash, you would have seen the wedding party in the foreground, and the bride and groom would not be as pronounced. With the flash off, the people in the foreground serve to frame the bride who glows from the natural outdoor light.

Tip #3: Don't center your subject in your viewfinderIn photography, the rule of thirds applies-sectioning your viewfinder into thirds, three sections horizontally and three sections vertically. Ideally, the focus of your subject (for example, your subject's eyes when shooting portraits) should be where these lines intersect. However, you can also create more interest in your photographs by simply off-setting your subject, or not putting them in the ce nter of the photograph.
I hope these tips help. But most importantly, get out and experiment with your camera! It is the best way to learn!
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