See updated announcement above! More prizes added 6/11/09
Who couldn't use some soap - especially the FREE kind.
My new good friend and fellow Etsy seller wanted to do something nice for someone else. She would like to give someone a $15.00 coupon to use in her shop Goodkarmasoaps. Wow, $15 worth of FREE merchandise! What do you have to do to win? Let me tell you -
1. Take a look at her shop, just to get an idea of what she sells, come back here, leave a comment or suggestion answering one of the following questions.
a. Suggest a new soap you think she should make
b. Suggest a new smell - what is your favorite or what do you think others would enjoy
c. Suggest a new marketing idea that she should use in her shop
2. For an extra point, sign up to follow my blog
3. Twitter this give-away for another point - http://twitter.com/designsbyjenai
Three very easy ways to enter this contest. Don't you think? Blaire and I will review the suggestions and pick our favorite, then add the extra points to that and we will find our winner. Winner will be announced next Monday! June 15, 2009 - so get your comments in and pass the word on through your blog, your facebook, and with your tweets.
Wait there is more!!!! For those of you who sign-up to follow my blog and become a fan on my facebook fan page, I will pick a winner to recieve a $10 coupon to use in my shop. Who knows you could win both coupons - $25 worth of FREE merchandise!!!!! Leave me a comment on my blog or facebook page letting me know you did both.
Winners will be announced next Monday, June 15, 2009.
I would love to see a cinnamon soap. Maybe she could make it so that it looked like a cinnamon stick inside a larger block of clear soap, or like her soapy roller soap.
I am not sure about marketing; that is not my area. But I have seen etsy sellers team up on purchases. So maybe she could collaborate with someone who make cotton bath scrubbies, or bath mitts, or hooded baby towels.
urchiken at gmail dot com
What cool soap! Love it!
What about some medicinal soaps...eucalyptus and lavender, tea tree oil, etc
Or coffee flavored - maybe shaped like coffee mugs. Caramel frappachino?
Marketing...what about promo codes? Like secret ones that are tweeted or posted on blog, facebook, etc.
I wanna win the coupon so I can win some soap! Looks so great!
I tweeted!
I'm your facebook fan and subribed to your blog!
My favorite is the Southern Pecan Pie Soap!!! (Actually, that makes me want to have a real piece right now!)
I think you should make a Narcissus Oil scented soap. It remninds me of heaven.
As for shape, I think you should try making a matryoshka - soaps within a soap!
As for marketing, there's too much I could write. I suggest www.psychotactics.com 's subscription. Their free newsletter is bomb and I can't wait to use their ideas on my own blog!
I follow!
I follow! <3
First of all, I had to favorite this shop. Wow!!! Such amazing soaps. I love them! Especially the baby turtle and the mice/cheese. hehe
Anyway...I think it;d be fun if she did a set of soaps that go together in a theme. For example, a pirates theme with a skull&crossbones soap, eyepatch soap (maybe not for the kids...), parrot soap, pirate hat soap...
Just an idea. She could sell it in a gift set all together. Or do a farm animal set. Or a jungle animal set. Or a food set. Or a transportation set (cars, trains, airplanes, ^_~)
wow - love the ideas that are coming through! so many creative thoughts and people!
What great soap!
I would like to see an orange scented soap. I love the smell of oranges; what a great way to wake up in the morning.
I am now a follower of your blog
and I twittered! http://twitter.com/jennuinecandles/status/2102992356
jenn at jennuinecandles dot com
I'd suggest more kids' soap - maybe characters in Disney's movies, teddy bears/care bears, hears, cupcakes, etc.
I tweeted
I suggest some rubies, I love rubies,
but her shop is great, amazing,
I also am folowing you
keep the ideas flowing!
I think there should be a "Soap Settings"-- rings or something--that the gemstone soaps could be resting on! That would be very neat, walk around town with your own personal soap on hand.:)
Heck yes, I'm following this blog!
I would love to see a caramel coffee scented soap! Thanks for the chance to win.
Soap that smells like a fresh pot of coffee would be nice!!
I love her lego block soap!!
I am looking for a clean, violet scent soap,so that's what I suggest! I also love solid lotions which are easy to make if you also do soap...I'm gonna follow on FB too!
Wow Jenai, you have such creative followers! I love these suggestions, it's going to be difficult to pick a winner. Based on that, I think we have no choice but to add a second place prize of a $10 gift certificate too! And if you get tons more responses, we'll just have to add a third place prize of $5!!!
Just a quick mention that I recently bought the cutest hat from Jenai and I'm telling you I look like Mia Farrow from the Great Gatsby in it, it is so precious. Such incredible quality at a great price, thanks Jenai!
Blaire, Good Karma Soaps
I love that you have something for everyone. Your soaps are very fun and alot I haven't seen before.
Maybe offer a soap of the month club or mini sampler sets to get people to try your soaps.
Following your blog
1. use the chalcedony stone with
2. a lavender frangrance
3. use free shipping in title or tag to grab a different type of customer that you might not have gotten otherwise.
I've already posted, but I could definitely see a teamup for a 'gemstone' soap to be sold along with a coordinating jewelry piece from my shop. Wouldn't that make a great Christmas gift. Quite original too!
Ok, you have been tweeted and followed on here. :)
Mignon - I like your way of thinking! That would be a nice team effort.
Very cute soaps! Love the Think Outside the Bar Lemon Grover soap. It would be neat if she had a chocolate one like that.
I'm now a follower
I like the Rose Quartz Crystal Soap from her shop. Would love to see some aromatherapy soaps. Suggested new scent: honeysuckle
Marketing: Host giveaways on others' blog.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Following your blog.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Well, I tweeted over at twitter.com/TheCleanDiva and I know follow your awesome blog!
GoodKarma has been one of my fave shops for some time. I LOVE the pigs in the mud soap.
Being a transplanted Southerner, and missing these sweet treats the most, I would like Good Karma to make a pecan praline soap that looks like a yummy yummy Southern praline and smells like them. mmmm
As for marketing, Gabbriella's Sampler http://www.gabbriellascloset.com/ has worked as a GREAT tool for many Etsians! I buy the sampler almost every month.
oh my GOD! i LOVE the soaps and the designs of them!
im going to suggest another design- how about a teddy bear, and it could smell of a vanilla-comfortable-home type smell, if you know what i mean.
Several more great ideas have been posted. How exciting. The day of the big announcement is almost here. Get Excited!
You have a great shop! My first thought was coconut, but you already have coconut. So my second favorite is a nice citrus smell. It's revitalizing and yummy! I also think you could buy a really pretty soap dish from another talented etsian to display your soaps! That would be a great marketing idea :)
following the blog :)
I tweeted!!
My contact info though is QuiltingDiva.etsy.com
K - I just added myself to your fanpage too :) Again - my contact info (to get in touch with me when I win) is QuiltingDiva.etsy.com!
Thanks - great giveaway!
oh no i hope i'm not too late!!!!! :(
goodkarmasoaps has been on my etsy faves for a while, so this should be easy!
a) i'd love to see her make a fortune cookie shaped soap! that would totally rock.
b) i love floral and fruity/foody smells so how about something in mediterranean fig! love that scent.
c) she should do more blog giveaways for marketing. hehehehe.
i follow!
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